A few months ago we were approached by the British Medical Journal’s online learning platform, ‘BMJ Learning’, to write a 30 minute training module to support talking therapists and health practitioners to introduce and discuss physical activity (PA) within therapeutic settings. This arose from practitioners’ identifying a need for guidance on how to introduce PA… Continue reading Physical Activity and Talking Therapies – A new BMJ Learning module – Tom Thompson and Adrian Taylor
Report from a Workshop on Frailty, Illness and Health in Deep Old Age – Part 2 By Rebecca Woods
I am a Research Intern, moving into Applied Research. I attended this workshop at the end of 2024 to discover current debates within the field of research with older people, and to gain awareness of scholars working in this area. There were many presentations during this full day, hosted by sociologists working at Liverpool University.… Continue reading Report from a Workshop on Frailty, Illness and Health in Deep Old Age – Part 2 By Rebecca Woods
Report from a Workshop on Frailty, Illness and Health in Deep Old Age By Rebecca Wood, Research Intern
I am a Research Intern, moving into Applied Research. My professional background is as a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist in adult social care, with local authorities and as an independent locum. I attended this workshop at the end of 2024 to discover current debates within the field of research with older people, and to gain awareness… Continue reading Report from a Workshop on Frailty, Illness and Health in Deep Old Age By Rebecca Wood, Research Intern
Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 5: managing increased demand
Authors: The South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilization Network. Collated and approved by network members. Previous blogs: Part 1: Roles needed to implement the FrameworkPart 2: How to work together across different sectorsPart 3: The use of language when working together to support people with mental health problemsPart 4: Positive risk-taking in the context of… Continue reading Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 5: managing increased demand
Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 4: positive risk-taking in the context of the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults 2019
Authors: the South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilisation Network. Collated by Jennie Hayes and approved by network members. Previous blogs: Part 1: roles needed to implement the Framework Part 2: working together across different sectors Part 3: The use of language when working together to support people with mental health problems The Community Mental Health… Continue reading Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 4: positive risk-taking in the context of the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults 2019
Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 3: The use of language when working together to support people with mental health problems
Authors: the South-West Knowledge Mobilisation Network. Collated by Larissa Milden (larissa.milden@improvinglivesplymouth.org.uk) and approved by network members Previous blogs: Part 1: roles needed to implement the FrameworkPart 2: working together across different sectors Introduction The South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilization Network is an open-invite group which meet regularly to share information about the implementation of… Continue reading Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 3: The use of language when working together to support people with mental health problems
Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 2: how to work together across different sectors to implement the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults 2019
Authors: The South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilization Network. Collated by Charley Hobson-Merrett and approved by network members. Previous blogs:Part 1: roles needed to implement the Framework Introduction The South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilization Network is a safe space to share experiences of implementing the Community Mental Health Framework For Adults And Older Adults… Continue reading Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 2: how to work together across different sectors to implement the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults 2019
Working with the South West Pharmacy Research Network to help pharmacists become more research active (by Stuart Spicer)
We all know that collaboration sits at the heart of our work. This kind of multi-disciplinary approach can be seen both within our research teams and the interventions we typically evaluate. We also know that grant writing is strongest when people from different areas of expertise come together. Some of the most interesting developments happen… Continue reading Working with the South West Pharmacy Research Network to help pharmacists become more research active (by Stuart Spicer)
Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 1: the new roles needed to implement the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults 2019
Authors: the South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilization Network. Collated by Charley Hobson-Merrett and approved by network members. Introduction The South-West Community Mental Health Knowledge Mobilization Network is an open-invite group which meet regularly to share information about the implementation of the Community Mental Health Framework For Adults And Older Adults 2019, and the sustainability… Continue reading Reflections from the Knowledge Mobilization Network, part 1: the new roles needed to implement the Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults 2019
Adrian Taylor Interview – Voice of Islam Radio Station – 4th October 2023.
Adrian Taylor, Professor of Health Services Research, recently took part in a live interview for the Breakfast Show on the Voice of Islam Radio Station on 4th October 2023. Adrian’s interests include designing and evaluating health behaviour change interventions to promote physical activity, mental health and well-being, particularly for clinical populations in health and community… Continue reading Adrian Taylor Interview – Voice of Islam Radio Station – 4th October 2023.