Using ModelSim for Interactive Simulation

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Although we do not usually introduce ModelSim early in a course, some students simply prefer it for writing and debugging VHDL. The following video gives a first introduction to using ModelSim.

Note that it is not common to use ModelSim in interactive mode, but a useful feature none the less.

Next Steps

Vector waveform files are good for beginners. However, you may have noticed how long it takes to perform a full compile and simulation every time you make a change. Contrast this with the rapid compile times in ModelSim, and how it was possible to debug your VHDL interactively. We will learn about VHDL testbenches in year 2 (level 5) where we write VHDL to test components written in VHDL.

If you want to take a look at what is to come, then head over to the next tutorial where I go though ModelSim in much more depth.