Interviewing people with dementia and carers remotely – Sarah Griffiths and Hannah Wheat

  We are Research Fellows on the NIHR funded Dementia-Person Aligned Care Team (D-PACT) project which aims to develop and evaluate a person-centred Dementia Support Worker (DSW) intervention based in primary care. Interviewing people with dementia and carers, about their experiences of receiving the support intervention, has substantially informed our learning during the feasibility phase. In May… Continue reading Interviewing people with dementia and carers remotely – Sarah Griffiths and Hannah Wheat

Is Primary Care Open for Business? – Sarah Rybczynska-Bunt and Richard Byng

Scoping out the Issues in the Rapid Scaling Up of Remote Triage and Consulting in the Covid-19 Pandemic – November 25th 2020 Public Health England’s ‘Open for Business’ campaign has been an attempt to reassure the public that they should still access primary care services if they have concerns about their health. However, as practices… Continue reading Is Primary Care Open for Business? – Sarah Rybczynska-Bunt and Richard Byng

Interviewing people with dementia – Sarah Griffiths

I am a qualitative researcher on the NIHR funded Dementia-Person Aligned Care Team (DPACT) project ( We are looking at whether quality of life for people with dementia and their carers can be improved by having a dedicated support worker to provide individualised support and help with navigating the complex dementia ‘journey’.  I have been… Continue reading Interviewing people with dementia – Sarah Griffiths

My first academic journal article – Laura Gill

Well, the milestone of publishing my first academic journal article has been reached. What can I say other than I am excited about my contribution to an article being published in Health Expectations. Hopefully sometime this month the article will be in print: Taylor C, Gill L, Gibson A, Byng R, Quinn C. (Forthcoming). ‘Engaging… Continue reading My first academic journal article – Laura Gill

Early intervention in the spotlight – Nick Axford

Early intervention has been in the policy spotlight in the UK recently thanks to an inquiry by the House of Commons Select Committee for Science and Culture broadcast on Parliament Live TV. The first session, on 20th February, offered some insight into contrasting perspectives in the field as regards the desirability of early intervention as… Continue reading Early intervention in the spotlight – Nick Axford

Difficult decisions about antidepressants, a person centred approach to untangling the evidence. A sceptical physician’s perspective – Richard Byng

In the midst of the twittersphere furore surrounding Johann Hari’s high-profile book Lost Connections, stating that there are better alternatives to antidepressants, patients and practitioners around the country are unheard as they wrestle with difficult decisions. Sadly, as clinicians, we often don’t share our worries with patients, and vice versa. Prescription rates continue to rise.… Continue reading Difficult decisions about antidepressants, a person centred approach to untangling the evidence. A sceptical physician’s perspective – Richard Byng

Reflection on primary care conference Nov 2017 – Felix Gradinger

Session 3: Organisational support for person centred approaches and scaling up. “System change – working with multiple local initiatives and top down policy dictats: Exploring context and capabilities for Integrating Care” This workshop entailed the beautiful and relevant and experiment to get a diverse set of stakeholders that mostly did not know each other to… Continue reading Reflection on primary care conference Nov 2017 – Felix Gradinger

Plymouth Community and Primary Care Research Group: The Logic behind the name – Richard Byng and Nick Axford

What’s in a name? A lot, judging by the eye-watering amounts spent on re-branding exercises in the corporate world. We didn’t hire any advertising or public affairs consultants but we have changed our name, which begs the questions – why, and what does our new name say about us? Emerging as part of a new… Continue reading Plymouth Community and Primary Care Research Group: The Logic behind the name – Richard Byng and Nick Axford

Creating and Facilitating Change for Person Centred Coordinated Care: The Organisational Change Tool – Jane Horrell and Helen Lloyd

Our ‘P3C’ programme of work has been set up to help address some of the problems health and social care services face when trying to improve the ways in which they deliver care. Our innovative approach aims to mobilise the flow of different types of knowledge to support services develop more efficient and person-centred care.… Continue reading Creating and Facilitating Change for Person Centred Coordinated Care: The Organisational Change Tool – Jane Horrell and Helen Lloyd