If you would like to share your practice, experiences or research at the next event please contact Dr Rebecca McKenzie atPAN@plymouth.ac.uk
The first meeting of the Plymouth Autism Network was held on Friday 26th November 2010 at the University of Plymouth. The meeting brought together practitioners,
academics, students and parents interested in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
In conjunction with performing arts the visiting speaker, Isabel Jones presented her work on encouraging play and interaction among children with autism through movement and sound. Find out more about Isabel’s work here: http://www.salamanda-tandem.org/
Thank you to all the members who also shared their practice and research with the network:
- Christianne Pollock talked about her work on converstaional analysis with children with autism
- Ginny Russell presented ideas for a research proposal exploring the diagnosis of childhood disorders: psychological and social implications.
- Glyn Forster shared good practice at the Support Centre at Mayflower Community Primary School
- Matt Roser talked about his research project with the National Autistic Society – Support, Outreach to Mature Autistic / Aspergers Group – Devon.