TESOL Course Summer 2024

In June 2024, 4 trainee English teachers completed the 1-month intensive University of Plymouth TESOL course. The course involved ‘Input Sessions’ where participants learnt the fundamentals of English language teaching (ELT), combined with ‘Teaching Practice’ sessions which allowed trainees to develop their teaching skills.

Trainees gather with tutors to celebrate completing the UoP TESOL 2024

All trainees successfully completed the training programme and 2 have already been recruited to teach on ELT programmes in the surrounding area!

Course tutors were equally pleased to see how enthusiastically the trainees embraced the programme (one trainee stated that she “loved the course”), and how quickly they have been able to find teaching positions.

The trainee teachers relished the opportunity to teach learners from all over the world, and several of them plan to leave the UK to teach overseas in the future. One trainee already has a teaching position lined up in Portugal, while another plans to head to Japan to teach in the future.

The English Language Centre plans to repeat the TESOL course in summer 2025. click the link for more details: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/services/english-language-centre/tesol

Joseph Seaton

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