Tiernan Gillespie Interview

University of Plymouth TESOL graduate Tiernan Gillespie talks to us about life as an ELT Teacher & Academic Coordinator at Education First.

Hello Tiernan, Good to see you again – what are you up to this summer?

It’s nice to see you too! This summer I’m working for EF (Education First) as an Academic Coordinator in Torquay. It’s my second summer working here now and I’m having a great time!

Can you remind me about your background as an English Language Teacher?

Absolutely. A few years ago I was volunteering in a primary school, helping students who had come from Ukraine with their English. I really wanted to help them properly so I decided to join the TESOL programme at the University of Plymouth. Not long after I started working as a teacher with EF!

What was it like for you going straight into a teaching role with Education First (EF) after completing the University of Plymouth TESOL course?

It was a bit nerve-wracking to start so soon after finishing my training but I felt prepared and I had all of the knowledge still fresh in my mind! It definitely felt like something I couldn’t pass up and I’m really glad I didn’t.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

I love seeing so many students coming out of their shells and building the confidence to speak to people and make new friends. Even when they are only here for 2 weeks they make great progress with their language. We also have many graduations over the summer which are always so much fun, for the students and the staff!

What challenges have you faced in your teaching career so far?

The first time I taught a lower proficiency class was definitely a challenge. It was difficult at first to teach them but it allowed me to vary my teaching style and approach it from a different angle. I ended up really enjoying teaching those students, we all learnt something in the end!

What are your plans for the future?

My plans so far are to work for EF for a while longer and then hopefully move to Italy to teach over there! But I haven’t got any solid plans at the moment, I’m just enjoying my life and seeing which opportunities come my way!

Any advice to those thinking about becoming an English teacher in the future?

I don’t think there is a more rewarding job than helping young people to learn a new language. Training to become an English Teacher is a lot of fun and there are so many opportunities to work in many exciting places. You could do it for a summer or even as a career. You can have so much fun and meet so many people from all around the world and I feel very lucky every day to be a part of this industry!

For more information on the UoP TESOL course, click here: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/services/english-language-centre/tesol

Joseph Seaton

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