BRiMS project

Functional Imagery Training is an important element in a new therapy for people with multiple sclerosis. The BRiMS (Balance Right in Multiple Sclerosis) programme combines exercise and education to reduce falls and improve quality of life. FIT is woven throughout the 13-week programme to help keep people motivated. Project leads Jennifer Freeman and Hilary Gunn have been awarded £367k by NIHR for a feasibility study of BRiMS. Jackie Andrade is the psychologist on the project, responsible for incorporating elements of FIT into the participants’ and therapists’ manuals and creating brief motivational audios for the BRiMS website. You can read the full press release for the project here and follow the project on Twitter @BRIMSproject.

By Jackie Andrade

My goal is to understand the cognitive processes that underpin human behaviour and develop better ways to help people motivate themselves

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