Liz Nicol, Associate Professor in Photography and leader of the MA Photography programme at Plymouth University, is Co-Investigator for a new AHRC-funded project with researchers at the University of Hull.

The project, entitled ‘Remember Me: The Changing Face of Memorialisation’, explores the making of meaning in memorial practices in Britain.
Liz’s role in the project focuses on the photographic essay, evaluating the significance of creative photography and the role it can play in the process of memorialisation as both a creative and documentary process. Since the invention of photography in the 1840s, the medium has revealed our changing relationship to remembering and death.
She will be working closely with social science researchers on four case studies:
A) Heroes and loved ones; death arising from armed combat.
B) Countries old and new: memorialization among Polish migrants in Hull.
C) Who was S/he? Trans Identities and memorialization.
D) Celebrating the life? The hidden face of dementia.
Through this artistic research, Liz is exploring what visual language can communicate about what often remains unarticuated in processes of remembrance.