2nd November at 1.30pm in Babbage 405, Plymouth University
Professor Martin Halliwell, University of Leicester, will be leading the first of the Art Institute’s Research Development workshops this year at Plymouth University.
Professor Halliwell is the current chair of the English Association, a recent chair of the British Association for American Studies and the incoming chair of the Arts and Humanities Alliance. He was a panellist on the English REF 2014 Subpanel and has also been involved in REF discussions related to History and Area Studies. He has been head of both English and American Studies at the University of Leicester and a recent Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor International.
Whilst Professor Halliwell’s experience is in the English REF panel, this talk will be applicable to those submitting under UoA 29 or UoA 30 and relevant to those submitting text outputs on the whole.
To confirm your place please email theartsinstitute@plymouth.ac.uk