Outcome Based Procurement

Across all industries, organisations are under an increasing amount of pressure to achieve and deliver more value within a constrained budget. This has resulted in organisations turning towards an Outcome Based Procurement model for a solution. What is Outcome Based…

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Categorized as Strategy

Public Cloud Strategy – A High Level Approach

The Plymouth University IT Committee challenged Technology and Information Services (TIS) as to the lack of a formal public cloud adoption strategy for the university; ergo TIS has been challenged to commence the migration of PU storage and compute services…

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Categorized as Strategy

Enterprise Architecture Priorities

As part of the ongoing work of the Enterprise Architecture Practice at Plymouth University we regularly review business requirements and University strategy and aim to align the direction of IT strategic investment to meet these needs.  Simple eh?  I completed…

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Categorized as Strategy

ALT-C 2013

Last week Naomi Fenn and I travelled to Nottingham to attend ALT-C 2013. This was the 20th anniversary of the conference and, true to form, summarised the current issues surrounding Higher Education, and how Technology could be utilised to respond…

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