Walking the Line, a new filmwork made in response to Brexit by Claudia Pilsl, is screening on 16/17 July 2016 at the x-24 2016 24-hour cinema festival.

This free festival, in Gainsborough, features more than 100 videos from over 100 artists from over 30 countries. It is curated and produced by Fenia Kotsopoulou and Daz Disley with additional curation by Wilfried Agricola De Cologne (artvideokoeln) and Eirini Olympiou (Athens Digital Arts Festival).
The film explores the borders and no man’s land of Austria, considering the potential porosity of borders and how they might be mediated.
Claudia is practice-led PhD researcher located across the Land/Water and Transtechnology research groups at Plymouth University, and funded by the 3D3 Centre for Doctoral Training. Her Director of Studies is Prof Liz Wells. The topic of her doctoral research is “Digital porosity, photographic practices and the production of place.”