Please join us for the next PEP Talk, the seminar series of the Performance.Experience.Presence research group Plymouth University. All welcome.
Two presentations on Collaborative Performance Research
Wednesday, 26th April 2017 at 4.30 – 6.00pm
in ROLLE 313, Plymouth University

Green and Owens
“5 Current Conditions of a Millennial Practice”
Abstract: ‘Friends share some level of intimacy, but carry the plurality of that world into their friendships in such a way as to enrich those friendships and enhance one another. This focus on individual autonomy within friendship – and the openness of friendship to the world – is central to Arendt’s notion of what constitutes friendship’. (J. Nixon, in Hannah Arendt and The Politics of Friendship 2015)
In this paper we have identified time, money / labour, writing, journey and friendship as current conditions of our ‘millennial’ practice. We have been trying to define what our practice actually is and this writing forms a part of the contextualisation of this process. Central to our work is friendship, and we use friendship as a way to think about the world around us, and our position within it. Friendship is the thread running through the research concerning ‘collaboration’ and ‘co-authorship’ within a millennial experience of the everyday.
Bio: Chris Green and Katheryn Owens are completing a fully collaborative practice-as-research PhD in the faculty of Arts and Humanities. Their work examines the millennial experience as a mode of co-authored everyday performance practice. Their low-paid and insecure jobs provide context for the research, and they also (sometimes) work as Associate Lecturers

Teri and James Harper-Bailie
“Collaboration as Methodology”
Abstract: Harper-Baillie’s paper outlines how collaboration as methodology is currently being utilised within a practice as research performance ResM. The paper highlights how Joanne ‘Bob’ Whalley and Lee Miller’s doctoral research methodologically underpins our own research to achieve a multimodal project that evidences joint knowledge production. Furthermore, the paper will highlight how the Deleuze-Guattarian concept of ‘two-fold thought’ is being used to house collaborative thinking and knowledge generation within a site-specific performance practice. The paper will aim to contextualise these theoretical sources by grounding them within examples from the inner workings of a husband-wife, artist-researcher collaboration, drawing attention to the blurry boundaries and interstices between the personal and the political while negotiating the home as a site of unease.
Bio: Teri and James Harper-Bailie are husband and wife artist-researchers, currently undertaking a collaborative ResM at Plymouth University. Their research interrogates notions of social class and how class is performed within the everyday, paying particular attention to the ‘home’ as a site of class consciousness.

After the presentations, please come along to miles & miles, a performance by Karen Christopher & Sophie Grodin, at 7.30pm in The House.