Arts & Humanities Research events this week at Plymouth University

The following research events are taking place in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities this week. Please contact if you would like further information. Message Workshop: Mandy Russell on Elements. 4pm on 12th December 2016 in RLB 703 Design Knowledge Seminar: Marc Trotereau and Tavs Jorgensen. 12.30pm on 13th December  Land/Water Seminar: 3pm on 14th December in Scott 102… Continue reading Arts & Humanities Research events this week at Plymouth University

14th December 2016: Art History Research Seminar

Peace - Burial at Sea exhibited 1842 Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856

Professor Sam Smiles, an internationally-recognised expert on British painter J.M.W. Turner, will be giving a paper in next week’s Art History Research Seminar. Professor Smiles will be discussing the critically-acclaimed exhibition he co-curated at Tate Britain, ‘Late Turner: Painting Set Free’ of 2014, and the challenges he faced as an academic-curator in meeting the museum’s… Continue reading 14th December 2016: Art History Research Seminar

Feature: “Between Us: Audiences, Affect and the In-Between”

BY LEE MILLER AND JOANNE ‘BOB’ WHALLEY  How do you write about writing in a way that is engaging, resists becoming a self-regarding meta-commentary, and makes people want to read your other work without looking like an advert? It’s quite a tall-order, but that’s what we hope to do over the next few paragraphs. In… Continue reading Feature: “Between Us: Audiences, Affect and the In-Between”

Dr Allister Gall screens new film in Australia

Plymouth University researcher Dr Allister Gall is screening his film Everything Imperfect at the ‘Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy’ conference, RMIT University, Australia. Everything Imperfect was made in 2013 and submitted alongside his PhD thesis. The film utilised diary/documentary footage of micro-cinema events organised as part of the practice, films submitted for the project, filmed interviews with participants,… Continue reading Dr Allister Gall screens new film in Australia

Arts & Humanities Research events this week at Plymouth University

The following research events are taking place in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities this week. Please contact if you would like further information. MIA (Moving Image Arts) Seminar: Tom Trevor on ‘The River Tamar Project’. 4pm on 6th December 2016 in Jill Craigie Cinema  ICCMR (Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research) Seminar: Edward Braund on ‘Music… Continue reading Arts & Humanities Research events this week at Plymouth University

7 December 2016: Practice-research seminar with Anya Lewin & Roberta Mock

Roberta Mock, A Trip Around the World is Not a Cruise (2016). Photo: Benjamin Graham

You are welcome to join the following research seminar, co-hosted by ARC (Artistic Research Cluster) and PEP (Performance.Experience.Presence research group) at Plymouth University: 7th December 2016, 4.30 – 6.00 pm in Scott 109, Plymouth University Presentations by Dr Anya Lewin & Prof Roberta Mock Fez: The Royal Scent opening up process when you don’t like… Continue reading 7 December 2016: Practice-research seminar with Anya Lewin & Roberta Mock

Feature: “Artistic thinking, walking and silence for well-being”

Jaana Erkkilä: Karusellista karanneet VI carborundum/ets.akv.

BY JAANA ERKKILÄ-HILL A well-known story tells about three wise men who followed a star and left their valuable presents to a newborn baby somewhere in the Middle East over two thousand years ago. It is a strange story about looking for meaning and value in something that is unknown; a story about following your… Continue reading Feature: “Artistic thinking, walking and silence for well-being”

Advice & Support Sessions for Researchers at Plymouth University: December 2016

Spaces are available on the following Research Support Programme sessions taking place during December: Writing an effective research funding proposal 7th December 2016, 1000 – 1200 Submitting Applications and Resource Planning for Research Projects 7th December 2016, 1100 – 1230 Research Advice – Surgeries: How to cost your project and obtain internal approval for externally… Continue reading Advice & Support Sessions for Researchers at Plymouth University: December 2016

CfP: Digital Memory Symposium at Plymouth University (16 January 2017)

in Roland Levinsky Building rooms RLB 206 and 207, 10am-3pm This one-day symposium hosted by the Arts Institute seeks to bring together researchers from across the faculty and beyond who have cognate interests in what might broadly be described as ‘digital memory’, in order to stimulate potential collaborations with an eye to funding opportunities. Digital… Continue reading CfP: Digital Memory Symposium at Plymouth University (16 January 2017)

30 November 2016: Research seminar on drowning in early photography

Hippolyte Bayard (1801-1887), Self portrait as a drowned man (1840)

English & Creative Writing Research Seminar  Breathless: the look of drowning in early underwater photography Speaker: Dr Matt Kerr (University of Southampton)  3.30-5pm on Wednesday 30th November 2016 in Babbage 406, Plymouth University This paper investigates the imaginative links between photography and drowning in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. If photography can be thought of as… Continue reading 30 November 2016: Research seminar on drowning in early photography