A Time of Judgment (23-24 June 2016): Conference Report

Judgment everywhere. Implacable judgment in scarlet up in the Central Criminal Court or delivered in measured tones in the High Court of Chancery. Beside the Embankment in the imperial senate, judgment confidently uttered before the witnesses in committee chambers or mumbled amid the gilded crockets of a stifling House of Lords. Judgment by the bearded… Continue reading A Time of Judgment (23-24 June 2016): Conference Report

Keynote presentations by Prof Liz Wells this summer in Plymouth and Sheffield

Liz Wells, Professor in Photographic Culture at Plymouth University, is delivering a number of keynote presentations this summer. On 30 June, Liz will be discussing visual literacy, criticality and photo education at the Association for Photography in Higher Education (APHE) conference, hosted jointly by Plymouth University and Plymouth College of Art. And on 4 July 2016,… Continue reading Keynote presentations by Prof Liz Wells this summer in Plymouth and Sheffield

Feature: “Knowledge is Power. And fun: The Brave New World of Mechanics’ Institutes”

Manchester Mechanics' Institute, Cooper Street, UK (1825)

BY DOUG WATSON Sometimes we take education and learning for granted. We’re swimming in an ocean of knowledge. We have added “The Information Age” to the timeline of Western Civilisation. Finding something out is just a click, or a voice command (and in a few years, potentially just a thought impulse) away. Yet today is… Continue reading Feature: “Knowledge is Power. And fun: The Brave New World of Mechanics’ Institutes”

ICCMR visiting research student wins Enterprise Award

Siva Ramakrishnan, a visiting researcher from SASTRA University in India (where he is studying for an MTech in Communications Systems), has received an Enterprise Award for the Best Exchange Student. Siva has been collaborating with experts in vocal synthesis in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music (ICCMR). His award-winning project is called “Factors Influencing Vocal Pitch in Articulatory Synthesis: A Study Using… Continue reading ICCMR visiting research student wins Enterprise Award

Short story by Lucy Durneen in Neon Magazine

Plymouth University lecturer Dr Lucy Durneen’s short story ‘Noli Mi Tangere’ has been featured in the online literary magazine Neon. Lucy’s story was selected as one of Neon‘s ‘Five Short Stories to Read this Month’ as part of their ‘Literary List’ feature. They described her story as ‘flawlessly-crafted and filled with haunting detail’. Lucy is an Associate Lecturer… Continue reading Short story by Lucy Durneen in Neon Magazine

Research from Plymouth University contributes to Parliamentary Debate

On 14 June 2016, there was a debate in the House of Commons regarding dementia and air travel, in which Oliver Colville, the parliamentary minister responsible for air transport, participated. During the discussion, the work of Plymouth University researchers, including the ICCMR’s Alexis Kirke – who sits on the Prime minister’s Dementia Air Transport Group – was highlighted. Oliver Colville MP said: I… Continue reading Research from Plymouth University contributes to Parliamentary Debate

First ResM completion for Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Plymouth University

Alex Lorimer

The Arts Institute is pleased to announce that Alex Lorimer has completed the first ResM (Research Masters) in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Plymouth University. The thesis title for Alex’s ResM in Architecture was ‘Mass-participation Architecture: Social Media & the Decentralisation of Architectural Agency as a Commercial Imperative’. His Director of Studies was Dr… Continue reading First ResM completion for Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Plymouth University

Feature: “Generative Orchestration with Musical Timbre”

BY AURÉLIEN ANTOINE   Technological advances, and more specifically computers, have been leading the evolution of music for the last 60 years, impacting on the ways we compose, perform and listen to music. For example, composers use notation software or Digital Audio Workstations (DAW). They also employ computers as sources of musical inspiration. During my Masters in… Continue reading Feature: “Generative Orchestration with Musical Timbre”

Nuria Bonet receives the William A. Gribbon Award … again!

A doctoral researcher at Plymouth University has received the prestigious William A. Gribbon Award from the American Musical Instrument Society (AMIS) for the second consecutive year. Nuria Bonet was awarded a travel award to attend the AMIS General Meeting in Vermillion, South Dakota in May 2016. The award recognises her work into Catalan shawms and she has been given the… Continue reading Nuria Bonet receives the William A. Gribbon Award … again!

New edited collection on Early Modern Letter Writing

Prof James Daybell has just published a new book, with Andrew Gordon of Aberdeen University, entitled Cultures of Correspondence in Early Modern Britain. This edited collection about early modern letter writing, published in the University of Pennsylvania Press’ Material Texts series, brings together leading scholars in the field from around the world including Nadine Akkerman, Mark Brayshay, Christopher… Continue reading New edited collection on Early Modern Letter Writing