Facing the consequences… a social networking horror story!

OK – just missed Halloween (doh!) but here’s a cautionary tale about the possible perils of using social networking sites…

Open publication – Free publishingMore privacy
I was asked by Lee Wright, a Lecturer in Midwifery, to create a resource to advise Health & Midwifery students about using social networking sites. Working with him and Stephen Hodge, the Faculty of Health’s Learning Technologist, we decided to produce a video telling the story of a nursing student, Tracy, who is careless using Facebook and therefore has to ‘face the consequences’.
The storyboard (above) was created using the excellent toonlet, a free ‘web comic blogging’ tool, although I confess I cheated and also modified some of the panels using Photoshop. The next step is to produce the video and we are currently looking for actors. So, if you would like to get involved UoP peops, please let me know ASAP!

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