Tag: Xerte

  • Since 1 August 2019, the University has formed a new Digital Education team, which sees an alliance between Academic Support, Technology & Innovation and TELMeD (Technology Enhanced Learning for Medicine & Dentistry). The Digital Education team will support the University with enhancing teaching and learning through technology. Learning Technologies support and advice We support and […]

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  • As I have mentioned in a previous post, I use Twitter on a daily basis as an excellent way of connecting to other Learning Technologists and educators across the globe. I recalled seeing some tweets around using Google docs to create quizzes.  As someone who is very interested in all matters concerning e-assessment, I decided […]

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  • Having recently attended an eAssessment workshop at Duchy College where I saw a presentation about using Xerte to create educational resources for students with learning difficulties, it prompted me to write about this excellent tool.  It has many benefits for the student which I will list in this article, but one of the best plus […]

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  • Xerte Online Toolkits

    For some time there has been a need for a simple formative assessment tool at the University of Plymouth, one which would enable quick and easy production of formative and self-assessment quizzes and questions, and which would easily deliver these assessments on-demand to students via the Web. Now it seems a solution may be here. […]

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  • Introducing the new Digital Education team

    Since 1 August 2019, the University has formed a new Digital Education team, which sees an alliance between Academic Support, Technology & Innovation and TELMeD (Technology Enhanced Learning for Medicine & Dentistry). The Digital Education team will support the University with enhancing teaching and learning through technology. Learning Technologies support and advice We support and […]

  • Creating quizzes with automated marking using Google Docs

    As I have mentioned in a previous post, I use Twitter on a daily basis as an excellent way of connecting to other Learning Technologists and educators across the globe. I recalled seeing some tweets around using Google docs to create quizzes.  As someone who is very interested in all matters concerning e-assessment, I decided […]

  • Using Xerte to create accessible and effective assessment resources

    Having recently attended an eAssessment workshop at Duchy College where I saw a presentation about using Xerte to create educational resources for students with learning difficulties, it prompted me to write about this excellent tool.  It has many benefits for the student which I will list in this article, but one of the best plus […]

  • Xerte Online Toolkits

    For some time there has been a need for a simple formative assessment tool at the University of Plymouth, one which would enable quick and easy production of formative and self-assessment quizzes and questions, and which would easily deliver these assessments on-demand to students via the Web. Now it seems a solution may be here. […]