TurningPoint: using an interactive response system to unlock student achievement

TurningPoint is a Personal Response System (PRS) which allows the classroom to become more interactive and engaging, it improves concentration, motivation and supports the student voice during face-to-face learning.TurningPoint enables lecturers to embed question polling in their presentations and allow learners to answer them with the aid of individual electronic clickers. Asking multiple questions with this technology is simple therefore the focus is purely on the learning, assessment and feedback, not the technology.

The technology is simply a mechanism to aid the delivery of teaching, learning and assessment. The technology is versatile and the user can add questions on the fly with ease and even add a timer to question polling, forcing decisive decision-making. Planning a session based on this technology allows users to repeat patterns such as: asking a question, test for a response and then backup with information. Repeating this process provides a pleasant interactive learning experience. Alternatively a lecture delivery can easily become student lead based on their responses. If many of the audience provide wrong answers, the lecturer can go back to a slide and repeat the information.

Suddenly the structure of a teaching session can become very flexible. For complicated questioning lectures can allows longer times and allow learners to discuss with each other, therefore assisting peer learning. Lecturers can ask the audience whether they feel they know a topic well before the lecture begins and then repeat the same question at the end to gage if there has been an improvement in their learning. Gaging the distance the students has travelled in their learning throughout the session could be vital for future session planning.

Responses can be anonymous or clickers can be assigned to students. Analysis via post-lecture reports means users can check individual answers, overall anonymous answers or even check attendance. Users can take reports and place the information in Microsoft Excel for better analysis. If clickers have been matched to individual learners you can see if a particular student is performing well or not within certain questions.

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