Call for Papers: “Beyond Words”, an arts, education & health conference (March 2017)

Beyond Words: Privileging the Unspoken in Arts and Communities in a Posthuman World 14th March 2017 Plymouth University, UK A posthuman world opens up the possibilities of being and belonging. This exciting international, multi-disciplinary conference focuses on how communication happens beyond words, how the arts use the unspoken, and how those who face problems communicating… Continue reading Call for Papers: “Beyond Words”, an arts, education & health conference (March 2017)

Dr Anya Lewin awarded Arts Council grant

Photo from the personal archive of Anya Lewin

Plymouth University researcher Dr Anya Lewin has been awarded an Arts Council England Grant for the Arts for her latest project, Fez:The Royal Scent. Fez: The Royal Scent will complete her trilogy of moving image installations inspired by family photographs and public archives, which are used to open up questions about historical context, narrative and… Continue reading Dr Anya Lewin awarded Arts Council grant