Category: TEL Tools & Software

  • Do you have all the Library, Technology or Digital skills for your teaching? Do you want to enhance your student experiences? Do you have any burning ideas, but don’t know where to start? Then this drop-in event is for you! Smeaton 005 from 11:30 to 13:30 on 22nd October 2013 Register your interest form Eat cake […]

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  • PebblePad Upgrade Success!

    On the 4th Sept the University upgraded to the latest version of PebblePad. This new and improved version consists of two components: Pebble+ – a personal space to create and upload different files and assets. ATLAS (Active Teaching, Learning and Assessment Space) – a place to share work with tutors and for tutors to provide […]

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  • ePortfolios

    Plymouth University provides an ePortfolio tool to all staff and students through a system called PebblePad. PebblePad is Personal Learning Space which can help you capture, record, reflect, review and discuss your experiences. It can support professional development planning skills through in-built templates such as action plans, skills audits, customisable CVs and more. You can […]

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  • At the VC’s conference ASTI team members Daniel Metcalfe, Edd Bolton, Sarah Barnes, and Ed Bremner ran a workshop entitled: Working towards any time, any place, any device – research into delivering online teaching using webinar software. This reviewed experiences of piloting the use of webinar software to enhance student learning at Plymouth University.

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  • PebblePad3, due to be launched in July this year, combines Pebble+, a revamped version of the personal learning space we’re already using, with a new institutional environment, ATLAS, which replaces the current Gateway system to support active teaching, learning and assessment. There are also plans to launch a brand new Community/ Social space in 2013 […]

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  • In an increasingly competitive job-market, using social media effectively can really help our students stand out from the crowd. What is social media? Social media refers to websites and applications where users create and share content, networking across like-minded communities. The most popular in the UK are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Why should my students […]

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  • Have you ever wondered what a Podcast is and how you can create and use them with your students? Podcasts are bite-sized chunks of audio and/or video content that are designed to be played on computers or mobile devices. Come along to the 2 hour University staff session to learn about: Scenarios where you can […]

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  • Are tablets just shiny toys or can they be used in a professional work environment? Google Drive, a free cross platform mobile and desktop application, provides way for people to take work with them without the hassle of emailing copies. This software also boasts a synchronous collaborative work environment.  Above all tablets should provide functionally […]

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  • WordPress

    WordPress is an open-source content management system enabling you to create your own blog(s)/ website(s) with a combination of dynamic and static pages for free. WordPress is available in two forms:  The first, from is a downloadable software, that must be loaded onto your own webserver.   The second form is from and […]

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  • Made a video but only want to share it with a limited audience? Want your website to be the only place your film is viewable on the web? Take a look at this lovely presentation for step by step instructions on how to privately share your videos using YouTube. YouTubebasics from Theresa Compton If you have […]

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  • One of the problems of working in a large organisation is linking events and knowledge between departments and sharing best practice. Without having a protocol for absolutely everything, and enabling creativity and innovation to take a forefront in how we work, how can we collaborate and form these links between staff students, between schools and […]

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  • The University has now updated all its lectern software to TurningPoint v5 (image1). Those that have used this system before will notice that the new interface is different to the previous version and now incorporates a three in one software package. ‘PowerPoint Polling’ is the most commonly used ‘TurningPoint’ application, but I would urge users […]

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  • As I have mentioned in a previous post, I use Twitter on a daily basis as an excellent way of connecting to other Learning Technologists and educators across the globe. I recalled seeing some tweets around using Google docs to create quizzes.  As someone who is very interested in all matters concerning e-assessment, I decided […]

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  • Today the announcement has come out regarding this year’s round of academic promotions! I am delighted to say that the number of Professors in our Teaching and Learning Directorate has increased to 5 which demonstrates the excellence of Teaching and Learning here at Plymouth! Congratulations to Prof Debby Cotton, Head of Educational Development, and our […]

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  • TurningPoint is a Personal Response System (PRS) which allows the classroom to become more interactive and engaging, it improves concentration, motivation and supports the student voice during face-to-face learning.TurningPoint enables lecturers to embed question polling in their presentations and allow learners to answer them with the aid of individual electronic clickers. Asking multiple questions with this technology is […]

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  • Drag the map with your mouse. View in full screen by clicking on the icon. Mindmapping: Mindmapping is really a graphical method of planning or taking notes. They can be really useful for brainstorming and planning content. They can also be used as a presentation tool at conferences – see Andy Black: ‘Mobile Learning & […]

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  • Having recently attended an eAssessment workshop at Duchy College where I saw a presentation about using Xerte to create educational resources for students with learning difficulties, it prompted me to write about this excellent tool.  It has many benefits for the student which I will list in this article, but one of the best plus […]

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  • ResponseCard Anywhere

    Voting on the move or ’Anywhere’ come to that. Without a doubt, one of the most exciting things to come out of the 20 Century is our ability to create and communicate digital information, and loads of it. It’s not quite instant, but we are getting there and at a rapid pace. Which brings me […]

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  • Turnitin: some quick tips

    A couple of queries about using Turnitin land in my inbox regularly so I thought a couple of short guides might be in order. The first is a reminder of how to set Turnitin assignments so that they are checked for originality against the Web and journals but not submitted to the Turnitin database. This […]

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  • Sid White (Learning Technologist), Joan Gavin (Learning Technologist), Carolyn Gentle (Learning Development) at Plymouth University and Vivienne Shaughnessy at Questionmark answer questions raised in a recent UP QMP user survey: Contents: 1: Setting up a test 1a: I am interested in starting out with QMP, is it difficult to use? 1b: I was shown how […]

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  • ASTI show and TEL Roadshow: Faculty of Science and Environment

    Do you have all the Library, Technology or Digital skills for your teaching? Do you want to enhance your student experiences? Do you have any burning ideas, but don’t know where to start? Then this drop-in event is for you! Smeaton 005 from 11:30 to 13:30 on 22nd October 2013 Register your interest form Eat cake […]

  • PebblePad Upgrade Success!

    On the 4th Sept the University upgraded to the latest version of PebblePad. This new and improved version consists of two components: Pebble+ – a personal space to create and upload different files and assets. ATLAS (Active Teaching, Learning and Assessment Space) – a place to share work with tutors and for tutors to provide […]

  • ePortfolios

    Plymouth University provides an ePortfolio tool to all staff and students through a system called PebblePad. PebblePad is Personal Learning Space which can help you capture, record, reflect, review and discuss your experiences. It can support professional development planning skills through in-built templates such as action plans, skills audits, customisable CVs and more. You can […]

  • Webinar Workshop at the VC’s Conference

    At the VC’s conference ASTI team members Daniel Metcalfe, Edd Bolton, Sarah Barnes, and Ed Bremner ran a workshop entitled: Working towards any time, any place, any device – research into delivering online teaching using webinar software. This reviewed experiences of piloting the use of webinar software to enhance student learning at Plymouth University.

  • Introducing PebblePad3… (updated 2013)

    PebblePad3, due to be launched in July this year, combines Pebble+, a revamped version of the personal learning space we’re already using, with a new institutional environment, ATLAS, which replaces the current Gateway system to support active teaching, learning and assessment. There are also plans to launch a brand new Community/ Social space in 2013 […]

  • Social Media for Employability

    In an increasingly competitive job-market, using social media effectively can really help our students stand out from the crowd. What is social media? Social media refers to websites and applications where users create and share content, networking across like-minded communities. The most popular in the UK are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Why should my students […]

  • Introduction to Podcasting – new dates available

    Have you ever wondered what a Podcast is and how you can create and use them with your students? Podcasts are bite-sized chunks of audio and/or video content that are designed to be played on computers or mobile devices. Come along to the 2 hour University staff session to learn about: Scenarios where you can […]

  • Being Productive with Tablets: A Glimpse of Google Drive

    Are tablets just shiny toys or can they be used in a professional work environment? Google Drive, a free cross platform mobile and desktop application, provides way for people to take work with them without the hassle of emailing copies. This software also boasts a synchronous collaborative work environment.  Above all tablets should provide functionally […]

  • WordPress

    WordPress is an open-source content management system enabling you to create your own blog(s)/ website(s) with a combination of dynamic and static pages for free. WordPress is available in two forms:  The first, from is a downloadable software, that must be loaded onto your own webserver.   The second form is from and […]

  • YouTube – an educational tool

    Made a video but only want to share it with a limited audience? Want your website to be the only place your film is viewable on the web? Take a look at this lovely presentation for step by step instructions on how to privately share your videos using YouTube. YouTubebasics from Theresa Compton If you have […]

  • Innovate, Create, Collaborate. with Google +.

    One of the problems of working in a large organisation is linking events and knowledge between departments and sharing best practice. Without having a protocol for absolutely everything, and enabling creativity and innovation to take a forefront in how we work, how can we collaborate and form these links between staff students, between schools and […]

  • TurningPoint v5 – Lectern software

    The University has now updated all its lectern software to TurningPoint v5 (image1). Those that have used this system before will notice that the new interface is different to the previous version and now incorporates a three in one software package. ‘PowerPoint Polling’ is the most commonly used ‘TurningPoint’ application, but I would urge users […]

  • Creating quizzes with automated marking using Google Docs

    As I have mentioned in a previous post, I use Twitter on a daily basis as an excellent way of connecting to other Learning Technologists and educators across the globe. I recalled seeing some tweets around using Google docs to create quizzes.  As someone who is very interested in all matters concerning e-assessment, I decided […]

  • Professor Promotions at Plymouth University! T&L Excellence!

    Today the announcement has come out regarding this year’s round of academic promotions! I am delighted to say that the number of Professors in our Teaching and Learning Directorate has increased to 5 which demonstrates the excellence of Teaching and Learning here at Plymouth! Congratulations to Prof Debby Cotton, Head of Educational Development, and our […]

  • TurningPoint: using an interactive response system to unlock student achievement

    TurningPoint is a Personal Response System (PRS) which allows the classroom to become more interactive and engaging, it improves concentration, motivation and supports the student voice during face-to-face learning.TurningPoint enables lecturers to embed question polling in their presentations and allow learners to answer them with the aid of individual electronic clickers. Asking multiple questions with this technology is […]

  • Mindmapping with MindMeister

    Drag the map with your mouse. View in full screen by clicking on the icon. Mindmapping: Mindmapping is really a graphical method of planning or taking notes. They can be really useful for brainstorming and planning content. They can also be used as a presentation tool at conferences – see Andy Black: ‘Mobile Learning & […]

  • Using Xerte to create accessible and effective assessment resources

    Having recently attended an eAssessment workshop at Duchy College where I saw a presentation about using Xerte to create educational resources for students with learning difficulties, it prompted me to write about this excellent tool.  It has many benefits for the student which I will list in this article, but one of the best plus […]

  • ResponseCard Anywhere

    Voting on the move or ’Anywhere’ come to that. Without a doubt, one of the most exciting things to come out of the 20 Century is our ability to create and communicate digital information, and loads of it. It’s not quite instant, but we are getting there and at a rapid pace. Which brings me […]

  • Turnitin: some quick tips

    A couple of queries about using Turnitin land in my inbox regularly so I thought a couple of short guides might be in order. The first is a reminder of how to set Turnitin assignments so that they are checked for originality against the Web and journals but not submitted to the Turnitin database. This […]

  • QMP Recently Asked Questions

    Sid White (Learning Technologist), Joan Gavin (Learning Technologist), Carolyn Gentle (Learning Development) at Plymouth University and Vivienne Shaughnessy at Questionmark answer questions raised in a recent UP QMP user survey: Contents: 1: Setting up a test 1a: I am interested in starting out with QMP, is it difficult to use? 1b: I was shown how […]