What is your earliest memory of digital technology in the classroom?
A small group of us building a Sinclair ZX80 with the school physics technician (1980…). We raised money to buy it by holding discos in the physics room on Thursday lunchtimes. Computers were awesome in those days…
Which digital technology do you use most in your teaching/work practice, and why?
Powerpoint (‘bread-and-butter’ presenting format), Moodle/DLE (mostly basic use to supply lecture materials but with forays into online quizes, discussion boards), Pebblepad (for reflective work with students) and, of course, email…
What benefits do you think this technology has for students? what student/user feedback have you had about this digital technology?
It’s obviously useful for students to be able to access course materials easily (but not necessarily always good for their learning).
Which technologies have you found to be the most influential over the past 10 years in your teaching?
PowerPoint and the World-Wide-web (but not always in good ways).
What do you predict will be the biggest or most exciting development in education/digital technologies over the next 5 years?
I’m sure there will be many weird and wonderful ones but for now I just want to explore using an iPad as a virtual whiteboard and using ‘content capture’ to produce maths support materials.