What’s new in Open Access: Library guidance on Plan S, new funder policies and transformative agreements 

  Guest post by Tara Healy, Open Research Specialist at University of Plymouth If you read our previous blog, “Plan S: What is it and how might it affect me as an author publishing journals?”, you may already know a little about Plan S, an initiative to reform the academic publishing system and make research freely available at the… Continue reading What’s new in Open Access: Library guidance on Plan S, new funder policies and transformative agreements 

JISC Research Data Shared Services and JORH Project End Blog Post

Evolving RDM Maturity at the University of Plymouth through Participation in the JISC Research Data Shared Services (RDSS) Pilot Project Background Back in late 2015, like many UK HEIs, the University of Plymouth was looking grimly at what appeared to be a big stick wielded menacingly by the EPSRC above its mandate and deadline for… Continue reading JISC Research Data Shared Services and JORH Project End Blog Post

Categorized as Data Tagged

Internal Research Funding: GCRF

The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a five year, £1.5 billion fund announced by the UK Government to support cutting-edge research that enables ODA-eligible developing countries to addresses challenges as laid out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The fund supports research that is challenge-led and interdisciplinary and strengthens capacity for: research and innovation… Continue reading Internal Research Funding: GCRF

Research software preservation: the ultimate challenge in research data management?

If you are involved in research software development you may be concerned about the reproducibility and sustainability of your code. Software preservation is notoriously challenging, and the lack of established methodologies could affect our ability to meet funder requirements on research data sharing and archiving. Fortunately, there is a growing desire to understand the user… Continue reading Research software preservation: the ultimate challenge in research data management?

University of Plymouth’s Research Data Policy 2018: Removing the barriers to open data

After a year of development in consultation with the University research community, we are pleased to announce that on Friday 1st June we are publishing a new Research Data Policy. The new policy aims to remove the barriers to open data, aligning with funder mandates, and maximising the reach and impact of our research. In… Continue reading University of Plymouth’s Research Data Policy 2018: Removing the barriers to open data