There are a few ways to find a question in the app, you can search using any keywords you type much like searching for anything via a website. You can use the QuizMix to be given lots of random questions or you can go to the rated/unrated area and see if there are any questions […]
A new feature has recently been added to the Plymouth University app. Since introducing the DLE option within the app, we have received feedback regard the number of alerts and the lack of functionality to mass delete. This month we have added this functionality, so now when viewing all your notification, you can click ‘Edit’, […]
— This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — It was interesting to see how they bought a whole new gaming perspective to our usual methods of designing and implementing eLearning, and how we learned to compromise our approaches to create a simulation module that involved all the good pedagogical principles of eLearning, with the […]
— This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — The PPE project had many different stakeholders in many different locations, and project managing for the development team required us to work in ways completely new to the team. The main people we were working with were based in several different parts of the UK, and […]
ASTI have set up the “Just one thing” initiative to provide an alternative approach to supporting teaching staff. It aims to encourage and enable them to get the best out of the DLE, and to explore and use other relevant tools that might enhance their current teaching and learning provision. Every month there will be […]
The Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). This 12th edition outlines annual findings from the NMC Horizon Project, an ongoing research project established to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in education. The panel have categorised these […]
— This post was written by Arunangsu Chatterjee — There has been some success in the control of the outbreak, but with the loss of nearly 500 health workers’ lives, over 7,000 lives in communities and an even greater mortality indirectly through reduction in normal health service provision. Hotspots of infection and new cases are […]
PebblePad is the University’s web based ePortfolio system. It is available to all staff and students, and can be used independently for personal and professional development, or as part of assessed activities within the curriculum. Do you include any of the following as part of your teaching or student support activities?: Portfolio Assessment Action planning […]
The DLE has given us opportunities to expand and develop our teaching practices, and to change the way we interact with students. This first year of using the DLE has very much focused on providing a continuity of the service we previously offered our students. However, many have also taken the opportunity to try something […]
As many of you know there is a new tool for electronic submission (eSubmission) in Moodle, called ‘Assignment’. This replaces SCOLAR. The new help resources can guide you through all stages of the eSubmission process. They can be viewed online, or printed, and most have accompanying videos. Help and guidance materials include: How to set […]
— This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — Yesterday was the official launch of the Open Wide and Step Inside project. It was so great to see so many people there, and the film was very well received by all!
Motivation, confidence, enjoyment, engagement, immersion, are all words that can be used to highlight what a good Game Based Learning (GBL) resource can bring to the user in a given subject. Over the last decade users have become accustomed to varying ways to play games in general. Desktop PC’s and bespoke consoles still arguably offer […]
— This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — The Plymouth University DLE project, switching from Sharepoint to Moodle, reached its successful completion in December 2014 and all associated support has been merged with ‘Business as Usual’ support structures. However, due to the ongoing and evolving changes to our programmes, the nature and frequency of […]
Lynda.com have recently released a new app for Windows 8 PCs and tablets. This native app features a fully responsive layout, personalized dashboard with recommendations and “continue watching” features, offline-viewing mode for learning on the go, and more. With Lynda.com, you get the same high-quality instruction from expert instructors whether you’re on a Windows 8 […]
Did you know that Moodle has an inbuilt quiz editor which will enable you to create polished online assessments to complement and enhance both the student learning experience and deliver powerful metrics which can feed in to learning analytics at department, school, faculty or university wide level? Using online assessment can be a way of […]
— This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — Rob and I were tweeting all throughout the Assessment and Technology in Healthcare Education Conference (#ATHEC) yesterday. We managed to create nearly 60 tweets, and you can view all of them here, but below is a round-up of some of the best points raised throughout the […]
— This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — On the 1st October, new laws surrounding copyright were finalised that aim to provide a more balanced approach to copyright in education to better fit our practices in the digital age. The agreed ‘exceptions’ that have always allowed us to use some copyrighted materials in teaching […]
— This post was written by Luke McGowan — Great news, we’re really pleased to be able to announce that the ‘Open Wide and Step Inside’ immersive vision theatre project is now live and had its first official showing to school children today. It went really well and feedback from the staff and children was […]