Category: TEL Tools & Software

  • During the last academic year there have been a significant number of successful assessments submitted and marked electronically using the Moodle assignment tool. As a result of staff and student feedback there have been some changes made to both the technology and recommended practice in order to streamline and enhance the eSubmission process across the […]

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  • A new feature is now available for a selection of programming language courses. What is it? Code Playgrounds enables learners to launch a browser based code editor, to practice along with the video content. 3 key goals of this new feature are: Increased learner engagement through added interactivity. Increased learning retention. Learners are more […]

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  • ASTI have set up the “Just one thing” initiative to provide an alternative approach to supporting teaching staff. It aims to encourage and enable them to get the best out of the DLE, and to explore and use other relevant tools that might enhance their current teaching and learning provision. Every month there will be […]

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  • Horizon Report 2015

    The Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). This 12th edition outlines annual findings from the NMC Horizon Project, an ongoing research project established to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in education. The panel have categorised these […]

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  • PebblePad is the University’s web based ePortfolio system. It is available to all staff and students, and can be used independently for personal and professional development, or as part of assessed activities within the curriculum. Do you include any of the following as part of your teaching or student support activities?: Portfolio Assessment Action planning […]

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  • The DLE has given us opportunities to expand and develop our teaching practices, and to change the way we interact with students. This first year of using the DLE has very much focused on providing a continuity of the service we previously offered our students. However, many have also taken the opportunity to try something […]

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  • As many of you know there is a new tool for electronic submission (eSubmission) in Moodle, called ‘Assignment’. This replaces SCOLAR. The new help resources can guide you through all stages of the eSubmission process. They can be viewed online, or printed, and most have accompanying videos. Help and guidance materials include: How to set […]

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  • have recently released a new app for Windows 8 PCs and tablets. This native app features a fully responsive layout, personalized dashboard with recommendations and “continue watching” features, offline-viewing mode for learning on the go, and more. With, you get the same high-quality instruction from expert instructors whether you’re on a Windows 8 […]

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  • Did you know that Moodle has an inbuilt quiz editor which will enable you to create polished online assessments to complement and enhance both the student learning experience and deliver powerful metrics which can feed in to learning analytics at department, school, faculty or university wide level? Using online assessment can be a way of […]

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  • — This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — Rob and I were tweeting all throughout the Assessment and Technology in Healthcare Education Conference (#ATHEC) yesterday. We managed to create nearly 60 tweets, and you can view all of them here, but below is a round-up of some of the best points raised throughout the […]

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  • Some tools and activities within Moodle enable users to receive notifications. These can be useful for monitoring activity in an area or task, and can provide useful information or prompts for both lecturers and students. Subscribing to such activities also eliminates the need to regularly check for posts or submissions, as notifications are automatically generated […]

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  • Nearpod

    — This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — In June I attended the Jisc RSC South West TurboTEL conference in Bristol, and one piece of technology in particular, Nearpod, caught my eye, for both the ingenious uses the presenters were putting it to, and the possibilities of it’s application. Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf […]

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  • The quiz activity enables users to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, a list of which can be found further down in this article. The user can allow the quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question bank. A time limit may be set. Each attempt […]

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  • There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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  • Welcome to

    We are pleased to inform you of an exciting new training resource available for use by your Faculty. is an online training library that compliments existing University training and support material including a wide range of tutorials dedicated to specific skills, subject areas and software. forms part of the delivery of the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) […]

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  • Recent PebblePad Update

    On the 14th Jan PebblePad was updated successfully. This update features a number of bug fixes alongside some new features and enhancements to existing functionality. For full details of the update see the PP3 News Blog. A brief overview of some of the new features are given below: Feedback Manager – an additional option in […]

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  • Have you, or your students, ever been a victim of ‘Death by PowerPoint’? Research conducted by PedRIO and Learning Development suggests many of us have. Here is an opportunity to explore some new presentation tools in a supportive environment! DigiThings is a self-directed, peer-mentored online programme that aims to help staff with teaching and research responsibilities at […]

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  • Do you want to embed more technology into your curriculum? Are you looking to enhance your students learning? Do you want to learn a new tool and see what software and equipment is available to you and your students? If the answer to any of the above is yes, then this ASTI drop-in event is […]

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  • Are you… revisiting curriculum design? re-evaluating your assessment methodologies? needing a platform to facilitate your role as a Personal Tutor? wishing you were more social media savvy? looking for useful apps (such as a collaborative to-do list or holiday planner!) …or just wanting to know how to use your iPad more effectively? We are hosting […]

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  • ASTI Technology Enhanced Learning Showcase in the Faculty of Business. Academic Support Technology and Innovation (ASTI) with the support of the Faculty of Business IT team (FoBIT) will be holding an event on the 29th October to demonstrate and discuss a range of learning technologies and how we can support you to incorporate them into […]

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  • eSubmission changes and enhancements for 15/16

    During the last academic year there have been a significant number of successful assessments submitted and marked electronically using the Moodle assignment tool. As a result of staff and student feedback there have been some changes made to both the technology and recommended practice in order to streamline and enhance the eSubmission process across the […]

  • New feature: Code Playgrounds now live for selected courses!

    A new feature is now available for a selection of programming language courses. What is it? Code Playgrounds enables learners to launch a browser based code editor, to practice along with the video content. 3 key goals of this new feature are: Increased learner engagement through added interactivity. Increased learning retention. Learners are more […]

  • ‘Just one thing’ sessions

    ASTI have set up the “Just one thing” initiative to provide an alternative approach to supporting teaching staff. It aims to encourage and enable them to get the best out of the DLE, and to explore and use other relevant tools that might enhance their current teaching and learning provision. Every month there will be […]

  • Horizon Report 2015

    The Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). This 12th edition outlines annual findings from the NMC Horizon Project, an ongoing research project established to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in education. The panel have categorised these […]

  • Embedding PebblePad in the Curriculum: new staff development course

    PebblePad is the University’s web based ePortfolio system. It is available to all staff and students, and can be used independently for personal and professional development, or as part of assessed activities within the curriculum. Do you include any of the following as part of your teaching or student support activities?: Portfolio Assessment Action planning […]

  • Innovative uses of Moodle: please share your examples

    The DLE has given us opportunities to expand and develop our teaching practices, and to change the way we interact with students. This first year of using the DLE has very much focused on providing a continuity of the service we previously offered our students. However, many have also taken the opportunity to try something […]

  • eSubmission help and guidance

    As many of you know there is a new tool for electronic submission (eSubmission) in Moodle, called ‘Assignment’. This replaces SCOLAR. The new help resources can guide you through all stages of the eSubmission process. They can be viewed online, or printed, and most have accompanying videos. Help and guidance materials include: How to set […]

  • New app expands mobility – Now available for Windows 8 PCs and tablets have recently released a new app for Windows 8 PCs and tablets. This native app features a fully responsive layout, personalized dashboard with recommendations and “continue watching” features, offline-viewing mode for learning on the go, and more. With, you get the same high-quality instruction from expert instructors whether you’re on a Windows 8 […]

  • Getting the most out of Moodle Quizzes

    Did you know that Moodle has an inbuilt quiz editor which will enable you to create polished online assessments to complement and enhance both the student learning experience and deliver powerful metrics which can feed in to learning analytics at department, school, faculty or university wide level? Using online assessment can be a way of […]

  • Tweet Round-up – Assessment and Technology in Healthcare Education Conference

    — This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — Rob and I were tweeting all throughout the Assessment and Technology in Healthcare Education Conference (#ATHEC) yesterday. We managed to create nearly 60 tweets, and you can view all of them here, but below is a round-up of some of the best points raised throughout the […]

  • Moodle Tips: Notifications

    Some tools and activities within Moodle enable users to receive notifications. These can be useful for monitoring activity in an area or task, and can provide useful information or prompts for both lecturers and students. Subscribing to such activities also eliminates the need to regularly check for posts or submissions, as notifications are automatically generated […]

  • Nearpod

    — This post was written by Elizabeth Seymour — In June I attended the Jisc RSC South West TurboTEL conference in Bristol, and one piece of technology in particular, Nearpod, caught my eye, for both the ingenious uses the presenters were putting it to, and the possibilities of it’s application. Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf […]

  • Creating quizzes (Assessments) using Moodle

    The quiz activity enables users to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, a list of which can be found further down in this article. The user can allow the quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question bank. A time limit may be set. Each attempt […]

  • Protected: PSMD DLE Training Schedule

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Welcome to

    We are pleased to inform you of an exciting new training resource available for use by your Faculty. is an online training library that compliments existing University training and support material including a wide range of tutorials dedicated to specific skills, subject areas and software. forms part of the delivery of the Digital Learning Environment (DLE) […]

  • Recent PebblePad Update

    On the 14th Jan PebblePad was updated successfully. This update features a number of bug fixes alongside some new features and enhancements to existing functionality. For full details of the update see the PP3 News Blog. A brief overview of some of the new features are given below: Feedback Manager – an additional option in […]

  • DigiThings – a new online course exploring presentation tools

    Have you, or your students, ever been a victim of ‘Death by PowerPoint’? Research conducted by PedRIO and Learning Development suggests many of us have. Here is an opportunity to explore some new presentation tools in a supportive environment! DigiThings is a self-directed, peer-mentored online programme that aims to help staff with teaching and research responsibilities at […]

  • 30th Oct: ASTI Roadshow and Showcase in the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences

    Do you want to embed more technology into your curriculum? Are you looking to enhance your students learning? Do you want to learn a new tool and see what software and equipment is available to you and your students? If the answer to any of the above is yes, then this ASTI drop-in event is […]

  • 11th Nov: TEL Tools for Busy Academics in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities

    Are you… revisiting curriculum design? re-evaluating your assessment methodologies? needing a platform to facilitate your role as a Personal Tutor? wishing you were more social media savvy? looking for useful apps (such as a collaborative to-do list or holiday planner!) …or just wanting to know how to use your iPad more effectively? We are hosting […]

  • 29th Oct: ASTI – Technology Enhanced Learning Showcase in the Faculty of Business

    ASTI Technology Enhanced Learning Showcase in the Faculty of Business. Academic Support Technology and Innovation (ASTI) with the support of the Faculty of Business IT team (FoBIT) will be holding an event on the 29th October to demonstrate and discuss a range of learning technologies and how we can support you to incorporate them into […]