Sustainable Geoscience: a new Masters course at Plymouth

Ask any geology student if the subject they are studying provides essential knowledge, experience, and guidance on how to meet many of the world’s most acute societal challenges and virtually all would proclaim a loud ‘yes, absolutely’. After all, many are drawn to the Earth sciences by study of applied aspects of natural hazards, minerals and metals, oil and gas, and geotechnics. And yet, show them how the world views those critical challenges – in the form of the United Nation’sRead more

Plymouth University staff signs MoA with Universiti Sains Malaysia and kick off World Harbour Project experiment in Penang

Plymouth University formalise their relationship with Malaysian partners to initiate an eco-engineering research project that will provide improved habitat for species along the urbanised coastlines on Penang island. In July this year a Memorandum of Agreement was signed by Plymouth University, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and E&O Berhad. Led by Louise Firth (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University) and Chee Su Yin (USM), the partnership involving Ally Evans (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University),Read more

Artist: Anne-Marie Culhane

Anne-Marie Culhane is based in Devon and is an artist, activist and performer. She initiates, catalyses, designs and delivers creative and environmental arts projects, events and gatherings including residencies, commissions, activism, education and multidisciplinary projects, a number of which are long term projects with lasting legacies. She is committed to sustainability, collaboration, co-operation and action. She participated in a residency at the University of Exeter for the Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World’s Soil Culture program and throughRead more

Top 10 sustainability TED talks

I enjoy watching TED talks. As part of our PhD and Early Career Researcher network, we used to have a regular event called, “TED talk and tea”. Before the event, everyone was asked to submit their own favourite sustainability TED talk. This was a great way to share a whole variety of sustainability topics, a great way to frame discussions and a great way to discover new ideas and perpectives. So, Kirsty and I wanted to share our top 10Read more

“Antibiotic resistance threatens mankind with the prospect of a return to the pre-antibiotic era.” (House of Lords report 1998)

The issues of the unsustainable use of antibiotics has rumbled along in the background for many years with academic report after academic report highlighting that overuse and misuse is causing ‘super-bug’ bacteria to develop which is treatment resistant. However the calls of alarm have just got clearer and louder with the WHO producing its first ever report on resistance to antibiotics earlier this year stating that the crisis is bigger and more dangerous that AIDS.  The topic just won theRead more

Artist: Rosanna Thorn-Lees

Rosanna Thorn-Lees from Gloucestershire graduated from Plymouth University in 2014 with a First Class BA Hons degree in Fine Art. She was awarded the Sustainability Fine Art Prize 2014 by the Institute for Sustainability Solutions Research (now the Sustainable Earth Institute) for her piece ‘Whitsand Bay Portrait’. We wanted to catch up with her and see how she is doing now. As an artist Rosanna wasn’t interested in chemically mass produced paints; the colours seemed garish and not sustainable. SheRead more